Dare if you Don't Care☝


李云迪✖️Chopin / 2016年4月19日/SouthBank Centre, Royal Festival Hall, London




肖邦一直是我第一喜欢的作曲家 每次听他华丽却不失纤细的音符 飘散在空气中 抓得住又抓不住 带着我 紧紧跟随着它一起盘旋 世界多出一种维度 在那里看到的景象 熠熠生辉 难以形容


初中做的一个演讲就是围绕着肖邦和乔治桑 夏天穿着麻衣带着冰乌龙茶 听着小狗圆舞曲 在上海图书馆读关于他们的书 (附上关于他俩的很有趣的一篇文章 http://www.cnd.org/HXWK/author/HUANG-Zhengping/cm0803a-3.gb.html


记得高中的时候听别人在琴房弹肖邦的幻想即兴曲 就一个人坐在有Chandelier的琴房三楼默默听了后来差点成为恋人的陌生人练了一个多小时的琴 记得一年钢琴考级十级曲目是黑键练习曲那盘光盘里的那首曲 听的都快烂




李云迪弹琴真的很优雅 他拥有一双非常漂亮的手


细长有力 看到快速舞动的手指 真的深深被技巧折服


可以顺着盘旋而升的袅袅的音阶看到无语伦比美丽的景色 一直忍着不哭


安可了两次 听不到彩云追月做压轴 不能走


和之前听过的郎朗 情感表达的方式真的很不一样 他的表达更有种自如的被音乐引领的感觉





Ballade No.1 in G minor, Op.23
Ballade No.2 in F, Op.38
Ballade No.3 in A flat, Op.47
Ballade No.4 in F minor, Op.52
24 Preludes, Op.28



Left some places for some notes for myself and whoever interested:


Musical Terminology: Types of Musical Composition




Preludes are characterized by being short and sweet (relatively), with a melodic and/or rhythmic motif that is featured throughout the piece.   This motif will recur throughout the piece, sometimes differing slightly as the music progresses.  A prelude may be played on its own, or as a preface to another piece, usually more complex.




Nocturnes are generally lyrical and tranquil pieces.  The nocturne is known for being expressive above all else. It follows no specific form, but evolves as the music progresses.




You can probably guess this one.  Etude is the french word for study; so a musical etude is just that – a musical study used to perfect a particular technical skill.  Generally etudes are quite difficult, featuring runs of quick notes, and arpeggios.



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